So last Sunday, not yesterday.
We received a very interesting media refferal.
The way that media refferals work..
Someone on their own bible app or or facebook gets a pop up ad
the ad is for a free hard copy of the Bible -King James version, and/or a copy of the Book of Mormon
They click on it, give their info, and then they get a call from headquarters.
<the headquarters missionaries are so awesome by the way>
They online chat with people and answer questions and teach over the phone, they rock!
After they call to make sure someone isn't just playing a prank on the missionaries, they send a text to whomever covers the area that the person is living in.
So we get this text telling us about Fila
Said like "Fee-la"
Fela requested a Book of Mormon, she is going through a lot with her brother just going to jail and another brother was recently murdered.
So after church we went straight away to go giver her the Book of Mormon and attempt to share the gospel.
but first we stopped at a park to finish weekly plananing and talk to some wonderful people who we will be striving to teach as well.
THEN we went straightway to Fela's humble home
We pulled up across the street, and went over to the property where we couldn't figure out which trailer was the right one so we knocked on both.
No one home. So we went back across the street, gave her a call and she told us she was on the way home from the store and would be there very soon.
We hung up and talked to her neighbor across the street who is in his NINETIES and still ropes cattle and smokes probably 20 cigars a day.
He was not interested. As we talked with him, it became very apparent that what he cared about was his wife. But not his wife, just the fact that she's forty years younger than him and came from a family that is well known around here. He also only cares about working hard. But not actually working hard, just about money. He loves money, popularity, and his wife but only the fact that she's half his age.
When we tried to talk about God he shut us down right away with a smirk. He doesn't see a need for God.
It was so sad. I cannot imagine being ninety something years old, and receiving fulfilment only from money, popularity, trophy spouse, and my cigars.
I love this man, I am sad for him, we left him with a Book of Mormon and will go back soon to try again.
As we wrapped up our conversation with him, Fela pulled in with her dad. We walked around back and she invited us right in.
We explained who we are, what we do, and why we are here.
She had tears fill her eyes and began explaining some of the sad things she is noticing in her church. It used to bring her such joy, but now she is noticing some things they do that contradict the Bible.
She is heart broken so when she was reading the Bible on her phone the Book of Mormon popped up and she clicked to receive one. Here we were less than twenty four hours later, in her living room, about to change each others lives.
I wish I could do the next hour of our lives justice. I wish ya'll could see and hear the emotion I feel as I relate one of the most special hours of my life with one of if not thee most prepared, incredible human beings I have ever met.
"I found my friend"
Different points of the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation were flowing back and forth from Sister fast and me.
The things we said I do not remember, but the feelings of the Spirit were so strong.
It was a bizarre lesson, unplanned, and seemingly random sections of Preach My Gospel flowed perfectly well together.
When we left the peace we felt was incredible. We got back in the car and agreed that the lesson we just taught was not taught by we at all. NOT AT ALL.
It was completely the Lord working through us.
Which taught me something
Not only is it important for an instrument in Gods hand to be perfectly in tune, but it is important for the listener of the music to have "ears to hear and eyes to see."
Fela committed to be baptized that first lesson, and then on a specific date the second lesson. She will be baptized May 13th just a month from now.
The second lesson which was last Tuesday, we taught the Restoration in more depth and shared the First Vision for the first time.
She was in awe. At the beginning of that lesson she apoligized because she had only read the intro, testimonies, and Nephi chapters one through three.
It had been TWO days since we met her.
She is eating it all up and I can't say enough about this friend of mine.
please see the story-not 100% sure if it's legit but its how I feel:)
"I found my friend" If you are wondering what that is referencing.
So let me tell you about my friend Fela.
She is in her late 30's
"I found my friend"
We had a lesson with Dianne on Monday, and Sister Potter came. That was seriously a miracle because Sister Potter lives about an hour away from Dianne/us in Brewton.
It's really hard to organize having members present here because the nearest active member is about a half hour away from here, and most of our investigator work is... here
but nevertheless, Sister Potter is a saint
We talked with Dianne about 2nd Nephi 31 and we also read a chapter from Nephi 3
She had the common concern/question
If I have already been baptized why do I need to be baptized again?
Sister Fast testified of the Priesthood authority, and the Spirit filled the room.
I said, "When you made the decision to be baptized the first time, it was wonderful. You wanted to follow Christ by being submerged in the water as He was, and God was proud of you for your desire to follow His Son. The difference here, is that the baptism this time is done by someone with the authority of God meaning it is a contract between you and God that literally binds you together and is coupled with His Spirit to be with you always given to you by the laying on of hands with someone who has the authority of God."
The Spirit was very present, Sister Potter was able to explain and answer some other questions and share her personal experiences. She's amazing.
Dianne is amazing. She understood and we all felt peace and love.
One of the sweet moments:
Sister Fast said something funny, I said something back and Dianne said
"I love these girls." to Sister Potter.
Melted our hearts, we love Dianne <3
Sister Potter then took us to dinner at a delicious Mexican food place. We had the privilege of hearing bits and pieces of her life story and were blown away. Sister Potter is a hero to many, she has gone through some very tough things and still does, but she always goes above and beyond in her calling and outside of it to show those around her the love of Jesus Christ.
Small world moment of the week:
Met a young mother who served a mission in Berlin, Germany with the Bella in Berlin, and the lady I met actually served with her and went to her reception. WHAT THE
so crazy
I love Bella in Berlin!
Wednesday was nuts. We rode bikes all day, and at one point it was pouring rain. BUCKETS as we rode our bikes home because we were sopping wet. It was so fun and reminded us of the talk reccently in general confrence by Elder Yoon Hwan Choi
Don't look around, look up, open your mouths.
Well we did, and Thursday we biked all day as well talking to everyone and their multiple dogs.
Here is a sneak peak into some of the people we talked to
A group of men drinking and smoking weed while spending quality father/son time with their two 4-6 year olds.
Mr Hodges, whom was mentioned a couple of weeks ago as the legendary man that had three strokes and related feeling the spirit to smoking weed
We stopped by to see mr hodges and what do you even know.
He was in his backyard mowing his lawn
He wasn't getting very far.
Because of his stroke, one hand/arm does not work and his foot on the same side also doesnt work.
Because he is unable to hold the bar down on his push mower, he had somehow wrapped a shoe lace around the bar to keep it down so he could mow with one arm, dragging his leg behind him at a slow pace.
I saw this. It broke my heart. It was 80 something degrees outside, afternoon, he was sopping in sweat, and I grabbed that mower practically right out of his hand and finished his yard.
Sister Fast was so awesome, she taught him about the Book of Mormon while I was mowing, but Mr hodges was basically having a cow because I looked ridiculous in my skirt and flats mowing his yard, and also because he was worried I was going to hit his cord in the grass, but my dad taught me better than that. ;)
There were portions of his yard that were mostly weeds, and little hills with thick roots sticking up. It was difficult for me to push it on and around/through these sections and I just couldn't imagine him being able to do it. I felt very thankful to Heavenly Father for allowing me to have this service opportunity.
I finished the lawn, we all sat on his front porch, and he gave us some water bottles.
Sister Fast and I proceeded to read to Mr Hodges from Alma 17 the story of Ammon meeting king Lamoni. Just to make it come alive for him, Sister Fast and I acted portions of it out, Mr Hodges was busting a gut laughing his head off especially when sister fast "chopped" not one, but both of my arms off ;)
We bore our testimonies and Mr Hodges agreed that like Ammon, we can do amazing things when God is on our side.
At some point or another during that day, we found a cute dirt road going through some train tracks. We decided to bike down there, and back in some woods was an oasis of fields, horses, goats, and tucked in there a ways a few cute little homes.
We approached a door where a woman upon hearing Sister Fast's name said
"What a coincidence, I am fasting today. And I was going to wait until six at first, but I decided to eat right now so I started fiixin me something. Maybe this is a sign that I should wait until six!" We all shared a laugh, and later asked her what she was fasting for.
She said to know how to come closer to God.
Wow. That's exactly what we do all day! We share with people how to do that.
We invited her to watch the Prince of Peace video with us and she said..
drum roll please..
"No. I am not going to watch it, sorry I just have to be real. You aren't going to find a convert here, my family is all pentacostal, I'm pentacostal, my sisters husband is the pastor at the church I go to, so no thank you."
We tried again, but she was very adament and wished us farwell.
but that's alright, because we will be going back to the cute little house in the oasis up the long dirt road that begins at the train tracks
Friday we met Sister Field who took us to do service for a member moving in to the branch. We absolutely love Sister Field.
Later we went to Sister Stones house where she fed us fried chicken, black eyed peas, collard greens, rice, fried squash, and homemade still warm pecan pie that was the best pecan pie I have ever had.
We shared Prince of Peace all day like we have been the past two weeks, and ended up in the projects with about 8-10 kids ranging from the ages of 5 to 10 who ran up to us and asked us if we "got any Jesus cards" for them.
"or candy"
we handed out all the different cards and pamphlets we had.
Then one of the ten year olds started teaching us how to dance.
Five minutes later, all the kids in the neighborhood gathered around us and taught us juju on that beat, whip neigh neigh, dab, dougie and much much more.
They LOVED it we had a blast dancing with these kids and being the only akward white girls of the bunch. Some of the people that all live in the complex came out on their porches and one man in particular sat there watching us with his kids cracking up as we attempted to master
"running man on that beat" and "you ugly, you your daddies son"
Whatever that means.
We also talked to them about why we are here on this Earth and Easter.
Easter was great speaking of which, thank you so much for the package Mom we love the mermaid shirts and I LOVE THIS RING YOU GAVE ME
oh my gosh so cute I never leave home without it
Thank you Grandma Pat for the cute shirt and Nanny and Grandpa we LOVED everything you wrapped in that cute wrapping, loved the snacks and especially the brownie mix
#spoiled |
Best present on Easter was the fact that Felecia came to church!
The three of us fasted for her so that she would know this is the true church of Jesus Christ.
the branch welcomed her and clicked perfectly
the Spirit was so strong the whole time
When we told her we are staying for this transfer she cried because she is so happy
so did we
Her life is taking a huge turn and we are so excited for her baptism May 13th
pray for felecia
I realize that I still havent told you her life story
I don't have time again #libraryprobs
but I promise I WILL tell ya'll all about Felecia next week <3
I explained all about Star Wars to Sister Fast one night and she responded
"I have so many questions now.. like.. who is Jar Jar?"
cracked me up
'bout to go play soccer with some Elder friends
oh the most important thing:
I studied the week leading up to Christ's death and resurrection again this year, only I studied from Jesus The Christ. I am a new person because of this study.
I love my Savior and brother and FRIEND
He is my friend. I love Him. I am so thankful for Him.
Happy Easter <3
-Sister Saunders
Sisters Fast & Furious ;)
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