Last blog I only wrote about the first part of Americas's Birthday.
The rest of my holiday went something like this
-Paul and Paulas
-missionary friends in the zone
-teaching elders how to do a pirouette
-teaching elders how to do kick arounds
-singing country songs about America and
- fireworks at our dock <3
- fireworks at our dock <3
The next morning I had to take pictures of our run so I can share with ya'll.
We run through a sanctuary/chapel called Calvary, through the woods, to the dock, and back.
I decided as I ran with Sister Pyper that every day is like our morning run.
There are moments of suffering in our own Calvary, but they are beautiful and so is the sunrise at the end of the road behind the ocean. Running is hard the whole time, but it feels SO darn good.
We feel SO darn good at the end of the day (if we have done the day right) but it is also tiring, and hard, and beautiful.
A spiritual highlight of the week
We go drop in on someone that was referred to us by a ward member and she tells us about the past few months of her life. Her name is Carla.
Her son died, her mom died, her cousin (Sister Moore) whom she is extremely close to got diagnosed with cancer.
Right before she died, her mom was asking to see "missionaries"
Carlas mom had never met/heard much about missionaries, but on her death bed she wanted them to come talk to her.
The family kind of just brushed it aside.
As we started sharing a message about Jesus coming to his apostles aid by walking to them on the water, she began to get emotional.
She said, "You'll never believe this"
then she proceeded to tell us that the very night before she decided to go out to the beach at 1 in the morning. She sat out there and prayed. She felt an extreme peace looking out in the waves, and felt that Christ was delivering her from suffering. "I didn't see Him walking to me on the water to deliver me from my storms, but I know He was there, and I know that's what He was doing."
When her mom was sick and in a lot of pain, Carla gave her mom her medication. It wasn't working. She called Sister Moore (the member who referred Carla to us, Carlas cousin) and Sister Moore told her that the missionaries (us) had invited her to pray more specifically for the things we want/need to know or to happen. Sister Moore passed this invitation to Carla.
Carla then prayed that her mother would be delivered from pain. She said she had never prayed for anything specific like that in her life.
She said fairly soon after that, her mother was relieved of almost all pain.
A few days later Carla prayed that her mother would be delivered from her mortal prison. That she would pass away to a happier state of being. Be relived of her suffering.
"God I know that you are a merciful God. You said you are, so be merciful. I pray, show mercy on my mom. She suffers so much at this time."
That very night Carla's mother passed away.
I'm pretty sure none of us could see through the tears as she related this to us.
God works in such a way that we all learn from each other.
How could we have ever known visiting Sister Moore a month ago as she began her cancer treatment, that inviting her to have more specific prayers, would reach her cousin Carla who is not extremely religious but has a very strong faith in Christ, and would affect her whole life. How could we have ever known, as we shared a message about Christ (our lifeguard) walking on water to deliver us, and sharing that message exactly the next day after she had experienced the same thing but had not yet put words to the experience.
Answer: we couldn't have known. Isn't the Holy Ghost incredible. Boy, I'll say.
Carla (who we just met that day) hugged us each so tight over and over,and told us to come back and stop bye whenever we need a ma maw hug. Needless to say, we will be going back very soon. Even more needless to say, Carla has done more for us than we could ever do for her.
On a lighter note... the missionaries 'round these parts have the opportunity to serve at the Bishops Storehouse every other week (Nanny and Gramps I'm following in your footsteps:)
In the line passing out nanners and apples
Elder Jordan, Elder Stewart, and I had a "confessions of an imperfect missionary" session
"Okay. What's the most disobedient thing you have done on your mission."
Elder Jordan "No. I won't say it. I'm too ashamed."
Stewart "Come on man, I already know mine is worse."
Jordan "Okay.. one time it was raining. So so much. There was this puddle, I swear it was three feet deep. It was night time and my comp and I sat in it, and pretended to be swimming."
missionary problems
Later telling Paul about this, Paul said "Sounds like sometimes ya'll get a little bit desperate.."
Elder Stewart "Okay.. that's not that bad that's mother nature. One time, we went shooting with our ward. I felt so bad afterwards.."
they both looked at me
"I have to think of something"
Stewart "Wow. How do we become as consecrated as Sister Saunders."
"Okay I got it... I will admit... tomorrow we are getting facials from our investigator."
we all busted a gut.
and the next day, Brenda gave Sister Pyper and I facials while we taught her lesson three in chapter three of Preach My Gospel.
God is so good to us. So is Brenda ;)
and now for this weeks edition of: This Is How Well You Know Someone After Spending Every Waking Moment With Them
with our favorites: the elders in our district.
I said
"What are the odds you drink this small bowl of blue cheese dressing Elder Stewart"
"One in 10"
Elder Owens (Stewy's companion) sneakily told me to say the number 7
"three-two-one: SEVEN/THREE" sneaky Elder
Elder Owens knew that Stewart always says three so he told me to say seven knowing I would then have to lose and drink the blue cheese.
I couldn't decide if I was disgusted, or impressed.
fun fact: because I won an intense battle of rock paper scissors with the bishopric and the elders/my companion, I am speaking in church on Sunday. What kind of revelation is that?
fun fact part two: I lose my sanity about once a day. The highlight of these episodes was when I was singing to my name tag about stickers. We were both concerned for my mental health.
I know you're wondering, so I'll tell you: I have not yet reached my goal of being able to jump and touch a basketball net. But I will keep trying and keep you posted.
oh, your prayers worked by the way. Thank you. <3
Have a fabulous day and tell yourself OUT LOUD "I am a child of a loving, living God" at least 9 times because it's true.
I love you big.
Make it a great day!